French bulldog puppy

Welcome Luna Belle

Growing up, we always had cats… and not just one or two. In addition to the 6 of us siblings there always seemed to be a band of cats running around our house, often with a bunch of baby kittens in tow.  I have never been a “dog person” and, after a tricky experience with our rescue dog, Penny (who we were thankfully able to re-home with my aunt and uncle!), I was firmly in the “No More Dogs” camp.  But Paul grew up with dogs and insisted that getting a puppy would be different.

Then, one night at dinner, our boys ambushed us (maybe with help from Paul? Hmmm…) with a presentation entitled, “Why Should We Get a Pet?”, and took turns presenting each page!  They asked us to think about it for one week and get back to them with a decision, after they promised to do all of the feeding and walking of course (ha!).

So, Paul and I visited a French bulldog breeder, without telling the boys, and when we got there the puppies went wild!  They were all very rambunctious, except the very smallest of the bunch who kind of hung back quietly and then crawled into our lap.  That’s when I knew she would be the one!

Kids presenting on why they should get a dog, new puppy reveal to kids

When we brought her home it was a surprise to the boys and they were ecstatic!  Paul came up with the name Luna, which everyone agreed upon, and the boys added the middle name Belle.  The boys have been very good about walking her, feeding her, training her, cuddling her, and playing with her.  They even take turns keeping her in their rooms at night, which is super cute.

Luna French bulldog brindle puppy in front of the fireplace

Luna Belle has a quiet and very sweet personality (I think she has barked a total of 10 times in her life!) and we can’t wait to share more of her adventures with you!

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